Saturday, June 12, 2010

Always Hungry....

      When I'm not yet pregnant, I had only 3x meal in a day. But now that I'm conceiving, I can't count how many times I ate food. As if my baby is always pinching my tummy to tell me that I need to eat.Sometimes, I'm tired of thinking what I will eat plus the fact that I'm afraid to become so fat. As I'm watching my diet, I'll make sure I didn't sacrifice the nutrition that my baby needs. I eat lots of vegetables and fruits and when I'm eating rice I just limit it in 1 cup... well, if not yet full enough half cup can do LOL!!!

1 comment:

maiylah said...

naku, iba tayo ... when i had my youngest i didn't feel like eating. parang tamad akong kumain, and that got my ob-gyne worried so she told me to eat; though she cautioned me against eating too many spicy/salty/sweet foods. i ate bananaQ almost everyday when i was pregnant, lol.

ps. my youngest is now a year and nine months old. :))